Saint Abran

An Irish hermit heals a hundred French.

Saint Abran

Abran was an Irish apostle who came with six brothers to evangelize Gaul, settling on the banks of the Marne River then dying, a hermit, around the year 509. Centuries later, in April 1145, a certain Father Odo sought to attract people to his abbey at Saint-Rémi and moved Abran’s relics there.

Almost immediately, a great series of miracles occurred. Within a matter of months, Abran healed 100 pilgrims, including the paralyzed, blind, mad, deaf, dumb, hunchbacks, and people with broken bones, ulcers, fistulas, burns, cancer, and bum knees. Two children returned from the dead. All of this was dutifully recorded by one of Odo’s monks, until August 24, 1145, when the list came to an end, as suddenly as it had begun.