Narcissus of Jerusalem

Be careful what you wish for.

Narcissus of Jerusalem

Narcissus was 80 years old when he was made the 30th bishop of Jerusalem. One of the most interesting things about him involves something he actually didn’t do. Three lying Christians accused Narcissus of some detestable crime — what that crime was was never recorded, because by all accounts Narcissus was innocent.

Nevertheless, the accusers swore to it, and desperately: the first said he wished he die in a fire if it wasn’t true, the second that he’d be struck with leprosy, the third that he’d go blind. Lo and behold, that’s what happened to the first, and that’s what happened to the second, and the third cried and cried, hoping blindness wouldn’t happen to him — cried so much that he exhausted his eyeballs and lost his sight.

As for old Narcissus, he lived to be a staggering 117. He died on his knees during prayer.